Dear A.C.T.S. Action Prayer Partner,

Please praise God with us in Australia where the evidences of revival are happening in all the Aboriginal communities. Covid-19 never hit and has passed over the most vulnerable Aboriginal people with not one case reported. A.C.T.S. has shipped 39,000 Biblical resources to 170 Volunteer Evangelists in the last four months.

Let’s start off with a thanksgiving prayer:

Loving God, in a world constrained by the virus pandemic, we look for your provision of an abundant life. We thank you for sending Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life as our “normal”. When we fail, and your love and Christ’s Lordship takes second place, please restore us to fullness of His life – your gift in Jesus Christ. Bless us we pray, and the hundreds of A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists who care for, evangelize, and disciple dear ones in the Aboriginal communities. Bless us to know your love for us, and our dependence on You. Help us to be a blessing to each person you give to us, in Jesus name,

Please pray with us for the specific concerns of A.C.T.S.

1. Workers in Health and more workers so others can go home on leave when lockdown is over.

2. Pigeon Hill, a small community with 50 to 100 people. There is no organized Christian Church. Their main outside contact is through A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelist, Nigel. They are cut off during wet season and need discipling

3. A teacher, Ann, as she does a great job. Please pray for 2 disabled children in her care.

4. Arthur and his wife are about to go on a 2-month ministry trip to N.T. where the lockdown has previously prevented the beginning of the trip. Pray for their unified effort to be fruitful.

5. A bus for Paul’s ministry to the Palumpa Daly River region, in Northern Territory. This area has been hostile to Christianity and a stronghold for other beliefs.

6. Volunteers Keith and Pauline from Katherine who purchased what is known as Morrows Farm. This is an isolated farm environment where people come for a retreat. With the virus, things are tough as work has slowed down and the retreat place not being used.

7. A bus for Lynette’s ministry. She is the key leader for the church where she works. Lajamnu area has been having nightly meetings and 2 weeks ago 20 plus people were baptised.

8. Robert to have strength in the Lord and for his full-time job.

9. Victoria for her new job and moving into a home.

10. Andy working in Kalkarindji 500 miles southwest of Katherine, N.T. He lives in another city and flies in and out for work rotation. He is the clinic Manager and since the Covid-19 virus, he has had to work and live on site and has not been home since early March. His wife in another city suffers from chronic pain and needs prayer for continued strength and their togetherness.

11. Covid-19 virus has reminded us of the essential need for medical support in the communities for those impacted with diabetes, kidney failure, and cancer. Please pray for the blessing of good health care for each Aboriginal person.

12. For the families of those impacted by cruelty and violent crimes that your spirit will change their abusers hearts and transform their lives.

13. The love of Jesus will transform darkness into the light of your goodness, truth and love.

14. The spirit of fear in the communities reminds us that….“God has not given us the spirt of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.

15. Students attending Mamarapha College and the Karabindi Aboriginal Christian School will be in harmony with His will. Pray for the staff to be patient and a good example to the students.

16. Daughter, Sarah, a strong believer. Husband hardened his heart towards God and her and not wanting reconciliation; they have 2 young children.

17. His supernatural move amongst all revival communities west of Darwin, especially Wadeye, Palumpay and Peppiminarte. Bring them fresh wind of the Holy Spirit, disciples, mentors, teachers and Christian friends.

18. SPECIAL PRAYER for Mary Ellen Fox, A.C.T.S. Prayer partner for 27 years, had a bad fall and is in rehab at home.