“He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increases strength…They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” Isaiah 40:29-31

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Dear Family and Friends,

Here are a few highlights of 2018:

Our children: Freddy, Kysa, and granddaughters: Carolyn, Natalie and Abby are all thriving with challenges of the Boston and New Hampshire weather. Freddy, our son, Kysa, and her husband, Tom, and their 3 daughters are growing in grace. The 2 granddaughters, Carolyn and Natalie are at university, and Abby is a junior in high school and doing great at soccer, basket ball, and academics!

We have joyously overcome Carol’s heath attacks in church on the first Sunday of January and February. She was quickly blessed by God’s grace filled healing. She is healthy now with medications, exercise, diet and rest. Fred is patiently waiting for his February 4, 2019 surgery for lingual duo hernia repairs! Life happens!!

The ministry is multiplying amidst continued and growing aided by A.C.T.S. network of resourced Volunteer Evangelists which has grown 4.9 times to 166 from 34 two years ago. We’re now sending more than 14,000 Biblical resources to arrive in January.

Your Prayer Answered Through A.C.T.S. Bible Blitz

Carol created an inductive Bible study on John’s Gospel which she taught over the last 8 weeks. The attendees said they learned a lot. Two Aboriginal elders have volunteered to learn to be the leaders of next year’s Bible studies. Praise the Lord for His answers to your prayer to encourage, equip and disciple Aboriginal leaders to share God’s word.

Fred just spoke at a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Meeting in Brisbane, QLD. and is developing a power point to Aboriginal church leaders meetings in January 2019. The Franklin Graham team invited A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists to come along side their 6 city “Festival” tour in Australia during February 2019 which should keep Australia’s revival going and growing. Fred would like to attend as many of these meetings as God provides the resources.

God bless you all as you share Christ with your family, friends, and neighbours….we are all on the Baby’s team!

“Love Like Christ! Fred (John 13:34) and Carol

A.C.T.S. (Aboriginal Christian Training Services), Inc.