aboriginal kids holding A.C.T.S. biblical materials

Dear A.C.T.S. Action Prayer Partner,

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. ” 1 Cor 12:12 NIV

Sometimes we go about our work as part of our church, denomination or organisation and forget we are part of the larger body of Christ, part of his wider church of believers. When I hear of different churches and organisations sharing the work together, I love it! Let’s focus on the essential things we have in common. We all believe in the gospel news of our Lord Jesus who came, died and rose again so that we may be forgiven and have eternal life.

Carol Schaeffer with 2 young girls reading the bible

Let’s share in a thanksgiving prayer:

Loving God, thank you that we are part of your body, that we are united by Christ, In Jesus name, Amen.

Please Pray & Praise with A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists

Karl Taylor that more churches unite in the ministry and outreach in the area of Bundaberg. Praise for the combined music ministry and outreach occurring in the parks.

Lionel Henaway asks that we unite in prayer earnestly for a treaty for First Nations people led by people of Christ, for healing and restoration of the country and its people.

John Beck as he helps the SDA plan for camps and gatherings at the end of October and in December.

Etienne Pietersen as he leads YWAM teams into rural NSW for outreach. For more workers and financial provision for the ministry.

Sharon Jane with her guitar

Sharon Jane has an encouragement and music ministry especially using Facebook as a tool. Praise God for this wonderful use of this platform.

Samantha Campbell for outreach to local communities near Yarralin and provision for kitchen and bathroom facilities added to the church to provide practical comfort for visitors who stay there.

Praise God for the support of Bible Society-Australia, One Hope, and our video organizer, Rob Wilson, video producer placement, who helps provide the Biblical resources for A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists’ ministry.

aboriginal girls reading books

Your photos or video of you giving Biblical resources to children would be most appreciated by the Bible Society and A.C.T.S. for supporters’ encouragement.

Please pray for:

Each of A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists and School Administrators to place the Biblical resources they have amongst Aboriginal children’s home and schools and order more for a Christmas – New Year distribution.

The tension between what is pleasing to God and Aboriginal culture (i.e. community use of ceremony).

Please contribute prayer points for the next newsletter, by emailing: Tracey, Acts Admin actschaeffer123@gmail.com or phone at 0490 760 844

Remember in all things
“Love like Christ!” (John 13:34)
Rev Fred and Carol Schaeffer