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Dear A.C.T.S. Action Prayer Partner,

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”
John 15:5 (NIV)

Grape vines grow best when they have a good rootstock for growth and are regularly pruned to ensure strong growth and maximum fruit. Our rootstock is Jesus! What a wonderful thought!

Loving God, help me submit to your pruning and training so that I may grow to be the disciple you want me to be. In Jesus name, Amen.

Please pray with us for…

Andrew Johnson for praise that people are gathering and thirsting for the Word as he visits communities around Broome, WA.

The communities in Melbourne, Australia continue to be in lockdown. Prayer for Pastors Esme Bamblett and Tony and Francine Riches as they seek to minister and support from afar.

Robyn Brim as she returns to her ministry in WA that she is refreshed after a break visiting family. Pray also for willing assistants in ministry.

Township of Wiluna WA. Pray that people grow to have a deep personal heart level relationship with God that they can take with them as they move on.

Aymund Burdett as he supports those in prison and surrounding towns of Kalgoorlie WA.

Loretta George NT to receive knowledge of future leadings in ministry.

Nigel Davies for refreshment for the attendees at the recent Indigenous Leaders Conference in Katherine NT. It was a beautiful time of encouragement and sharing.

Cunnamulla Men’s Gathering, Sandra Grimshaw. Prayer for that resources for ministry will be delivered before November 2 nd gathering.

Jody Eddy as she seeks to support locked down communities and God’s leading for future ministry planning In Broome WA.

That God will enable A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists to provide Biblical resources to every Aboriginal 4 – 14 year old’s school and or home by 31 December 2022.

Your photos or video of you giving Biblical resources to children would be most appreciated by the Bible Society and A.C.T.S. for supporters’ encouragement.

Please contribute prayer points for the next newsletter, by emailing: Tracey, Acts Admin or phone at 0490 760 844

Remember in all things
“Love like Christ!” (John 13:34)
Rev Fred and Carol Schaeffer

A.C.T.S. (Aboriginal Christian Training Services) Inc.
0432 430 895 (Fred)
Please send checks to: A.C.T.S., 32 Hillcrest Road, Reading, MA 01867
Or make a credit card donation on:
Unit 3, 4 Mugga Way, Tweed Heads, NSW 2485