“We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly.” 1 Thessalonians 1:2 (NLT)

Dear Action Prayer Partners,

We most appreciate your continuing intercession for God’s movement in Australia for up to 25 years. In 2007 we requested you to pray for “The Lord of the Harvest to send workers from all over His world… to answer the cries from Australia’s Outback”. Hallelujah, God has consistantly answered our prayers!

Today, we beg you to pray for the freeing, by Christ in 2016, of the most neglected Aboriginal Children, especially the sacred ones in the Outback. Massive united Action Prayer is vital!

Please pray with us for:

Sherry inviting people to visit the church

Sherry inviting people to visit the church

Sherry Lowah from Alice Springs, Northern Territory has been seeing many ministries come to Alice in way she’s never seen before. May she be totally dependent on God for her own personal healing, needs and focus on the next generations. As a local Minister she’s out in the streets witnessing, working in the region, helping her family and growing in the Lord herself.

Preaching in Alice Springs

Preaching in Alice Springs

Reverend Canon Brian Jeffries from Alice Springs is keen to have continued prayer covering for those that committed their lives to Christ during the Will Graham crusade that was held in the centre of Australia, in Alice Springs, during May 2016. Please agree with the many who are discipling the 800+ respondents. That they would let God be the centre of their desire and Christ be their top priority in life.

Carl & Gail MuschCarl & Gail Musch joyfully report that 60+ people responded to God’s saving grace at a recent outreach in Yikkarla, QLD. Please agree with them that each one of these people will stay strong to their salvation and desire the Lord above all else. Carl has requested prayer for his personal prayer life – that it “rises in quality and quantity to meet the demands of ministry to be truly faithful in all that God wants of him.” They need practical and administrative support in many areas. Their two daughters are far from home training for their own calls in life and are unable to help as much. He states, “most other problems will get worked out and resolved if he gets his prayer life right!” Please pray for Carl to be set free from Diabetes and for he and Gail to have the energy, endurance and stamina to run the great race that the Lord has set before them.

mcmastersfriendswebThe McMasters confirmed Carol Major’s report of revival in Woorabinda. For years, Christian’s avoided going to dangerous Woorabinda and it now has 7 churches, is clean (a no alcohol community), with a new Mayor advocating major positive change. A.C.T.S. Volunteer Coordinator Dina McMaster with husband Scott and son Jeziah, applaud A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists Carol Major and Rosita Tilly (pictured in photo at left). These two ‘agents of change’ minister full time in their homes, churches and throughout the community. The McMaster’s joined Carol Major and prayed for a 19 year old in the hospital with multiple seizures. 3 days later the young man was out of the hospital, was unrecognizable because he looked so well. Another young man healed of back problems was able to return to his work without wearing a full time back brace. Please pray each day for the new Christians joining Carol and Rosita.

Please pray daily that…

That Australian Outback Leaders are connected with Godly opportunities and for massive protection as they outreach and disciple. Please agree that they are discerning in all areas of their personal lives and that they do not grow weary while doing good but have the endurance and grace to run the race on His path. (1 Corinthians 16:6-9, Hebrews 12:3)

We would love to hear any words you feel led to send to us, especially specific prayers for you and yours – by replying to this email.

“Love like Christ!”

Ref. Fred & Carol Schaeffer, A.C.T.S. Inc.